Day by Day cartoon

Monday, May 04, 2009

One more reason I'm happy not to live in England

I did live in England, for 4 ½ years, back when I was stationed at RAF Mildenhall, and at the time I really enjoyed it. England was a pretty terrific place to live and travel and visit. But the British government is way ahead of even Barry's HopenChange dream for America when it comes to silly laws and intrusion into private life. Now, instead of actually trying to catch criminals, they have handed megaphones to the local constabularies and sent them out to frighten and threaten the citizens, warning them to lock themselves in their homes and not enjoy the fresh air and sunshine that they have been waiting for throughout their long winter.

I don't remember if it was a Monty Python sketch but for years in my family we have routinely made fun of the British police officer's inability to actually defend themselves with the shout, "Stop! Or I'll say stop again!" This story reminds me just how far the rights of the citizen have fallen and how misguided lawmakers can be when given free rein. It is time for the citizens of Great Britain to collectively "grow a pair" and get their government off their backs.

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